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This is History!

There is definitely something to be said of the classics.  I think you’d be pretty hard pressed to find a professional theatre that...

Artist Spotlight: Robert Montano

I’m sure I made it very clear in my last post that the show SMALL was absolutely amazing.  More than that, really.  I started out saying...


Sometimes there are shows that just “wow” you.  This is even more special when you’re not expecting that “wow”.  I was very excited for...

A Christmas Carol Comedy (Again!)

A year ago, I started my journey on this blog by writing about A Christmas Carol Comedy at Hedgerow Theatre.  Today, I get the pleasure...

Theatre Etiquette

This post is for anyone who has ever been in the audience of a show, especially if you’ve been in the audience of many shows.  Because no...

A Christmas Carol (Part 2)

About ten million years ago, when I was very new to acting, I auditioned for A Christmas Carol at Hedgerow Theatre.  I was seven years...

A Christmas Carol (Part 1)

Is there a Christmas story that has been more often shown on stage than A Christmas Carol?  I would definitely say “no” to that one. ...

Again and Again

Is there something you like to see over and over again?  A movie or TV show that you’ve watched a million times before?  I definitely...

It's Opening Night!

Every theatre you go to is going to have a different opening night tradition.  For some, it’s a big deal.  For others, it’s just the...

A New Home!

As you can see, Zoe Writes Theatre has moved! I'm in the process of creating this site, so keep an eye out!

Hard to Watch Shows

In my opinion, theatre is one of the most magical things in the world. A theatre is a hallowed space, and anyone who has ever been in...

Real Life in Shows

Although most of what we see onstage is fiction, some material is based on real life and real life stories. There are shows that are...

Audition Monologues

Any audition monologue you choose has to fit you properly. If you don’t connect in some way with what you’re saying, you’re not going to...


Over my thirty years of seeing plays, one genre that I haven’t gotten the chance to experience much is horror. This is a shame, because...

Always Remember

There are some plays that are absolutely life changing. The sort of play that you watch and think, I want to be a part of this play...


Obviously I don’t need to state the fact that I’m a writer, as I am clearly running this blog on my own. But for those who don’t know...

Roadtrip Singalongs

Long drives can drag if you don’t handle them properly. There’s not a ton of fun sitting in a car for even a few hours. At least, I...


Something that a lot of theatre fans will excitedly talk about is stagedooring. Stagedooring is when you go to the stage door (one of...

Thank You Half!

Being backstage on a show is a much different experience than being onstage on a show. Growing up, I thought my place was going to be...

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